In 1999, Nunavut, Canada's newest Territory was created ... and on April 1, Nunavut celebrates it's 10th year as a Territory and it's joining in the Confederation.
In today's mail I received my first copy of my subscription to Canadian Geographic.. and but what was it's feature? Nunavut turning 10.
I thought that it was pretty freaky that my first issue would be one about Nunavut turning 10. At the same time, I was sure that Darcy was gonna snatch the magazine right out of my hands and run into the night (as I think he was more excited about the issue than I was).
And in the spirit of Education, as I know many of you teachers that check in on this blog, in preparation for Nunavut's 10th Anniversary (sounds kinda strange).... you can learn all about it's history and beginnings here at Nunavut 99 - Changing the Map of Caanda.
Also, if anyone out there has a copy of the January/February 1999 Canadian Geographic that had the feature article about the creation of Nunavut, I would love to get my hands on a digital version of the article.
Proof of Life: 55
1 week ago
I remember once seeing not the full Jan/Feb '99 issue but a few pages of it in my class in Qikiqtarjuaq. I'm not sure what happened to them though and really regret not making copies at the time. I'd love to see the full issue myself. Might be able to get hold of a copy through the Nunavut Library Board perhaps, I'm just guessing.
Can I borrow the issue you picked up today when you're finished? I'd love to see it.
Yeppers you can Darcy. I'll bring it over in the morning.
Hmm.... I will have to see if I can find a copy of it in the library ... never know they might have it somewhere's.
Technically, I suppose Nunavut was created in 1993 with the official signing of the Nunavut Act, although it wasn't until 1999 that the territory officially came into existence. I used to think this was just splitting hairs but while April 1, 1999 saw Nunavut come into being, the date that is really celebrated is July 9 (1993), the date the Act leading to the territory's creation was officially signed. Unfortunately, I always miss it since I"m away for vacation but I suspect there will be a lot of activity in the capital this summer. Hopefully lots of media too since the exposure is always a good thing.
Technicality, schmetechality :-) Gotta go with what our geography text books say ... hmm... I wonder where those might be ....
in typical Nunavut fashion (or as I've come to understand it) you're also receiving that issue about a month late! I remember seeing that issue at the Edmonton airport while I was on my way south for the holidays...and that was on Dec. 18th. Not trying to be a smart ass...just sayin!
and hey Kennie, let me know if you ever need any ground work done in these parts for any future job prospects! I'm sure Simpson doesn't offer quite the same amount of isolated views as Nunavut, but it still has it's perks. :^)
Haha - yes, it is true that in good ol Nunavut fashion things to arrive late .... but I also only subscribed to CG during my vacation in December (as a little Xmas gift to myself) ... so all things considering, I am lucky to have received this issue. But yes, everything else does arrive late ... like my MacLife magazine .... always a month late :-(
And I might take you up on that hunting offer Alex :-)
ahahah I got this great visual of Darcy running off into the night with your magazine giggling with glee.
I am the queen of technicial details!
The NLCA was signed May 23, 1993 in the Inuksuk High School gymnasium.
The NLCA received Royal Assent July 9, 1993 (and that is where the date for Nunavut Day comes from)
The territory and the Government of Nunavut are official as of Apirl 1, 1999.
There are a few more dates in between but these are key.
In Iqaluit
Excellent! Thanks for the important dates In Iqaluit! I'll have to make sure I keep those tucked away in my head :-)
Is it possible to subscribe to Canadian Geographic outside of Canada?
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