Remembrance Day in Arctic Bay was marked by a small ceremony held in the Anglican Church this morning at 10:30 AM. The local Cadet Corps and their CO Frank were in attendance, the Rangers, the RCMP (John was up front with the Canadian Flag, while Troy was sitting in the back with me), and a small group of locals.
I came prepared to have service outdoors (yes, I know.. Kennie, why on Earth would you think that the ceremony would be outdoors when it's -25??!! Well, says I because every other Remembrance Day ceremony that I have EVER been to, no matter how crappy the weather was we were outside), but soon found out that the service was inside. Not that I minded.
The Ceremony was held in both English and Inuktitut, although a small group of us did sing O Canada in all three official Languages. It was neat seeing how Remembrance day was marked in a small isolated community. Much of what I experienced was just like the ceremonies down south .. only difference is that Inukituit replaced French.
Although not many people up here in the North have been touched by the wars, it was a time for us as a community to remember and thank those who are currently serving overseas, who are patrolling our borders, and to those that fight for our freedom present, past and future. It was also a time for many of us to reflect upon recent events here in the North, most notably the deaths of two young RCMP members who lost their lives in the line of duty.
You will not be forgotten.