If you were a box of software ...

Monday, January 12, 2009
.... where would you be hiding in my apartment?


Anonymous said...

It would depend on what software I was. Windows OS I'd be everywhere trying to take over the apartment. Mac OS, probably on the couch, listening to some tunes, watching I'm A Mac, and I'm a PC commercials, wondering why I don't have more friends, even if the friends I have a really cool. If I was photoshop I'd probably be in a desk drawer, wondering how anyone could possibly ever use all of my features. World of Warcraft... Right in front of the computer, swearing I'll go to sleep soon.

Kennie said...

LOL! Well ... what if you are a box containing not only a set of OS X reinstall discs (which I kinda need) along with iLife and iWork? I swear I brought them back with me here in the Fall as I didn't get the chance to do my reinstall as planned .... My Photoshop is sitting here on a desk looking at me going when ya gonna upgrade me to CS4?? :) ... oh and WOW .... I remember being in university and watching my friends play it for hours and hours and hours. I just never understood it.I was more of a Half Life player.

Meandering Michael said...

Software comes in boxes?!?!

towniebastard said...

Think of the last place you would look. Start there.

Anonymous said...

It always kills me when someone says "I found it in the last place I looked". Not me, I keep looking for something once I find it.

Kennie said...

Yeah MM! It still comes in boxes! Freaky eh? And silly me thinking I was doing something smart I put it all in the same box. So it's one box I am searching for.

I've turned my apartment upside down ... tomorrow, it's the classroom. After that, I"m gonna say it's gone AWOL.

Meandering Michael said...

It came in boxes before?!?!