We're having the same type of methane leaks here, but I've never heard anyone (lots of scientists have been flying in and out) mention the frozen crust being responsible. Interesting!
After spending six years living and teaching in the Canadian Arctic (Nunavut and Yukon), I returned to the Maritimes to work at my Alma Mater, The University of New Brunswick, as the Media Lab Supervisor with the Centre for Enhanced Teaching and Learning. At the Media Lab I help faculty and students learn how to use instructional and media technology in their classes and projects.
Man, for a moment I thought Paul Watson had died or something.......
We're having the same type of methane leaks here, but I've never heard anyone (lots of scientists have been flying in and out) mention the frozen crust being responsible. Interesting!
I know - whodathunk that way up here in the cold we would have issues with methane gas bursting out from the frozen tundra.
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