Yes everyone, I have an abundance of TP in my apartment. It is just sitting there in the two big boxes that it arrived in, waiting to be dived into (I'm still working on the remnants of the last package of TP from last year's sea-lift ... and probably won't even get into the new stuff until maybe the end of November ... if not December).
So, maybe it's just because I haven't posted anything "north" related in a while, or perhaps its all of the cold meds that I am taking right now... or maybe it's just because I am giddy that I am heading to Iqaluit for the weekend (unless I am stranded in Arctic Bay due to weather) .... for a conference - yes, I am working this weekend.
So readers, I put this challenge out to you - what is the most creative use of TP that you can come up with. Now remember, I don't have any trees up here..... so TP'n the forest isn't an option .... nor is TP'n the poop truck :-) ... or perhaps, Jen if you are reading this and are up to it ... we could make this the next Nunavut Nonsense Challenge? The prize? I'll send you a pack of TP out of the box :-)

I see a halloween decorated banner all around your classroom decorated by your kids! :) WOO HOO DO I WIN THE TP?? MY MAIDEN NAME WAS POWER SO MY INITIALS USED TO BE TP!!
Northerner's do love their TP!
Um you so need to dress up as a mummy for Halloween!!! Or perhaps the Toilet paper Princess? lol
I say make a toque and mittens out of it :)
So what brand did you buy? We are charmin people in this house.
LOL - uh .... i got the double ply no-name stuff as I really had no idea what I was actually ordering off of the sea-lift catalogue ... I thought I ordered the same stuff as last year as the descriptions matched .... but I guess not.
Tina - haha a banner decorated with TP that would be hilarious! But I don't know if my kiddies can do that in 40 minutes as that's all I see them for :-(
Jen - A mummy eh? the thought did cross my mind there as I did do that in university
Kara - toque and mittens eh? I think i might need a lot of glue there unless I am just wrapping my head with TP (hehe)
Wrap yourself up in several layers of it and take a running slide across the bay......er....once it freezes over of course.
Combine tp and old jeans with arctic scrub (in a blender) and make some homemade paper with a screen. After you dry it, it can be note paper for cards. Teach a unit on paper making. Big fun! Paul
Paul - ooo, I got old jeans ... and the TP .... arctic scrub??? and there is a blender at school ... and I could just borrow my window screen (hehe). I might have to do that now.
Darcy - don't tempt me ... I almost bought a saucer tonight to go sledding with :-)
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