Let the games continue! Over the weekend we got some snow (a good amount about 6 inches) and of course, much of it was blowing and had to land right on/in my doorknob on my outside door.
Big deal most of us say. Well .... I am now frozen in my house. My doorknob keeps freezing up and won't turn. I had to call over to Darcy for a rescue earlier tonight and he pretty much had to body slam himself into the door.
And I know that it's freezing, as once we did get it open and the door warmed up, the doorknob worked just fine. Looks like another call to housing tomorrow to get a new knob on my door (to which I will then be weather proofing so no more snow gets into it - at all.
Year of the Bastard
1 week ago
Check around at school to see if anyone has lock deicer, and put some in your doorknob. Do you have access to a hair dryer??
LOL.....body slam
That's what it seemed like from my side of the door :-)
Well hopefully Darcy doesn't leave for a few days....
Although, any good northerner has enough food in their home to last 19 months.
It could be your humidifier that's causing your trouble. The door knob and door could be acting like something of a 'wick', where the moisture in your place is condensing and freezing. (This is just my lay-scientist conclusion after having been locked in and out of my place in Iqaluit.)
That is a possibility, but I'm pretty sure that the humidifier isn't the problem (crossing fingers - I sure hope it's not the humidifier cause I need to breathe at night :-) ).
From what I can tell it's freezing from the outside, not the inside. Most likely I'm going to either have to take it apart, dry it out and put it back together or just take the easy route and get housing to come in and just replace the dang thing.
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