This how Kennie stays sane until the sun comes back :-) .. let's see what photoshop can do! :-)
Plus, I have to figure out how I can easily (key word here) teach this to a bunch of high school students (so far ... I don't think it's going to go over well ...)
Mom, Did it using photoshop .... if Marcie is still using the same things from last year, tell the kids to do the photoshop module while they are there for computers and they can do it themselves!
LOL Kristina! Your co-workers must wonder about me... or maybe you? :-) I'll see what I can come up with next to decorate your computer desktop with.
After spending six years living and teaching in the Canadian Arctic (Nunavut and Yukon), I returned to the Maritimes to work at my Alma Mater, The University of New Brunswick, as the Media Lab Supervisor with the Centre for Enhanced Teaching and Learning. At the Media Lab I help faculty and students learn how to use instructional and media technology in their classes and projects.
Thats cool!! This one would make a fun print! by Kennie Warhol!
This how Kennie stays sane until the sun comes back :-) .. let's see what photoshop can do! :-)
Plus, I have to figure out how I can easily (key word here) teach this to a bunch of high school students (so far ... I don't think it's going to go over well ...)
Nothing wrong with dreaming in technicolour! Shows you are living "outside" the box! My kids want to know how you did this! They are intrigued.
I have a new desktop background for work. Thanks, Kennie!
Did it using photoshop .... if Marcie is still using the same things from last year, tell the kids to do the photoshop module while they are there for computers and they can do it themselves!
LOL Kristina! Your co-workers must wonder about me... or maybe you? :-) I'll see what I can come up with next to decorate your computer desktop with.
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