We have a special visitor here in Arctic Bay for the next couple of days. Glenn Morris, from the UK, is part of a team, Arctic Voice that brings schools from the Arctic together with schools in the UK to help students in the UK understand climate change and how it is affecting life in the north ... as well as exploring the North.
Glenn arrived here the other day by dog sled from Igloolik with Simon (his guide) - that's a two week trek over the frozen tundra and ice! Glenn's arrival into Arctic Bay is part of phase three of his trek ... and it's not over yet .. as before the week is up, Glenn will be heading back out with Simon and the dog team, mushing off to their next location.
I got to spend some time with Glenn today working some tech magic (downloading and backing up photos - which are amazing ... and being the nice Internet Cafe provider :-) ). It was pretty neat learning about his travels and adventures and I am looking forward to his talk to the students of Inuujaq tomorrow.
Year of the Bastard
1 week ago
Dang, I need to get tuned in! This is the first I've heard about this guy. In my defense though, there were quite a few new faces around the school today given the installation of the new (finally) windows.
Yes, our windows ... and it does pay to be the techie in the school too as most guests do need internet access from time to time.
Cool! Reminds me of the project we did when Gary was in the Antarctic and my class was linked with a school in Jordan!
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