Nothing much has been going on up here in the frozen land of Arctic Bay. The weather ... well.. has been pretty craptacular as of late. Temperatures can't quite make up their mind wether they want to stay below 40 or above -20, which is causing all sorts of weather drama - ice fog, snow and of course the wind. Oh how I hate the arctic wind - it just burns the skin.
Christmas games are going along as planned, I hope to get down to the gym tonight to watch some more (if the weather doesn't turn on me again).
I've been getting more lessons prepared up for my classes that start in January - oh, it's gonna be a wonderful month of grammar, grammar, and more grammar (hope my students will enjoy it).
What have I been up to? Well, the same'ol same'ol. Listening to new tunes, reading and of course catching up on my TV shows (how I love being able to get my TV on DVD now .. so much easier, especially when the satellite up here goes on the fritz and I can't get any TV).
Past that, I've just been relaxing and enjoying my last couple of days off .... as soon, it will be back to the grind of edumacating.
Proof of Life: 55
1 month ago
Hurray for relaxing!! This last 4 day weekend was awesome.
Good luck with the grammar crap!
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