Saturday .... the sun is shining, it's only -5 and it's a beautiful day out. Blue skies for as far as the eye (and camera lens) can see. I set out early this afternoon out to the point (about a 45 minute walk across the sea ice) to get some pictures of the point and the cliffs behind. It was quite a nice walk out to the point (I'm guessing it was about 3km out from town). Along the way I passed some of the dog sled teams getting ready to take their dogs out for a run, several skidooers and some of my little kids (who came running across the ice to pounce me and ask where I was headed off to).

After a while, and several songs later (as I always have to have music while out hiking) I made it out to the point. The sight was breath taking. Deep blue skies in contrast with the red rock and vivid white snow. A true view of the North. While standing there, taking in the view and snapping pictures a skidoo loaded with some of my students towing a
quamutiiq qamutiik qamutik with another one of my students and Ron passed by. We waved and shouted hello to each other as they drove around the corner. I kept walking out and eventually rounded the corner where they were stopped taking pictures. We chatted for a while and agreed that it was a beautiful day out - especially for getting pictures and touring. That's where today's adventure started ... as my student (David) asked if I wanted to join them in their ride around the bay towards Victor bay to see the North.
Off I hoped onto the
qamutiiq qamutiik qamutik with Ron and Simon and off we all took off. We stopped several times along the way for
picture taking and stretches. The last time I was in this area of Arctic Bay, it was from
above. I thought the views of the cliffs from above were amazing, from below looking up it was even more amazing.

We continued driving on top of the frozen ocean ice (which to me, is still mind boggling, even after walking, skidooing and riding a qamutiiq across it. As we rounded the outer point, you could see for kilometers on end. A frozen highway waiting to be explored.
After driving for another hour, we stopped for a quick meal (as everyone was getting a little nippish). We feasted on Mr. Noodles, Beef Jerky, Recess Peanut-Butter Cups ... and of course, hot tea (a must have when out on the land). Once everyone had their fill and were warmed up again, David, Simon and Joanna decided to go ptarmigan hunting while Ron and I went off for a hike to explore the shore line.

After an hour of walking around and talking about life up in the Arctic, David came by on his skidoo to let us know that everyone was heading back to the
qamutiiq qamutiik qamutik to get ready to head on back to town.
The ride back to town was quite relaxing, the wind at our backs and the sun in our faces. I just sat back and soaked it all in.
I have only begun to scratch the surface of this amazing part of Nunavut .... can't wait to see more of it.
I don't say this every time because it would be repetitive, so let me say it now: I absolutely adore your photos. They are gorgeous.
Thanks Megan. I think I was graced with the ability to take good photos once I made it up here to Nunavut ... as down south ... let's just say we always had a good chuckle in trying to figure out what I took a picture of (90% of the time) :-).
The pictures are amazing. I wish I knew photoshop like you do to make the picture collages.
You are going to show me how to do this (picture collages) when you are home during the summer!
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