But down south, the snow just keeps falling, and falling, and falling.

Need a shovel anyone? I've got two.
Update: Seems to be a little bit of a discussion going on about where exactly these pictures originate from. I received them in an email from a family member... yet others think they come from Labrador .... who knows... all I know is that I'm glad I'm not dealing with that snow.
Worse than Ottawa's 400+cm... that's pretty impressive.
I just can't believe how much snow has fallen on Eastern Canada. I don't think I ever remember that much snow falling in one season before. Part of me wishes I was down there as it would be excellent skiing conditions, but the other half is glad to not having to be dealing with shoveling all of that snow!
Actually these photos come from Labrador :)
My god, I couldn't drive through that. I would be just so paranoid that they would fall on top of me and I'd die a snowy death.
-60 pssht. Nothin. Dying submerged in snow? Terrifying.
The bottom left picture is the one that has me most terrified I think. Reminds me of the drive from Halifax to Bedford... with all those rock cliffs etc.
6a88a ... you sure? As they were sent to me by family members .... I know Labrador is facing the same weather right now too ....
Believe me. I am obsessed with Canada. It all started in year 2002, when I was studying and looking for a better place to live. In that time I was located in Poland (yes, I am Polish) and followed all Canadian regional, cultural, weather events, especially for eastern Canada. I found that set of photos few years ago on a labrador related website. I love snow, cold weather and Canada (hehehe, mentioned above) and have been regularly reading your blog for few months, but have never made any comment. I also follow few other blogs from the north. I wanted to start my own blog, but the life in Great Britain isn't really that exciting, so I never made any post on my own blod (maybe it's the high time to do that, who knows?). However there is a bright sign for me. I am now able to visit Canada without any visa :) That's really good news for me.Thank you Canadian Government, at least you did something right!
Anyway... this comment is far too large. Hope to get a feedback.
Well, wherever the pictures are from, I"m just glad I'm not dealing with all of that snow. I do know however that Northern NB has been bombarded with 540+ cm of snow so far this year and I imagine it looks pretty similar.
I think you should start a blog about Great Britain! I've always wanted to visit there and am considering moving to the UK in the future to teach ....
I would not say better - since I love snow - but we have been in lack of snow the whole winter in Oslo, Norway (Latitude: 59° 56' North). Please send some over before it's to late for the season :-)
Why is it that either North America gets lots of snow or Europe? Never happens to both same winter.
I'm not too sure..... jet stream to blame?
Rennyba If I could send you over some snow I would, but where I am (Latitude: 73'00'19 North) I'm lucky to have the foot of snow that we have amassed ... I"m way above the snow belt - and all I want is another foot so it doesn't hurt quite as much when out skidooing and I have to go over rocks :-).
Here in UK they post severe weather alerts If there is any snowfall, even 1 inch, hehehe. It is so funny when people say "It is going to snow tomorrow, be carefull on the road", but it is all because they do not use winter tyres. No wonder it gets slippery, hehe.
Where I come from, there is a proper winter with temperatures below freezing point, sometimes up to minus twenties or thirties in night time (but that happens very rarely). This winter has been very mild, no snow, no frost, just few degrees above zero and rain.
Funny is that I got used to cold winters (but not that cold as in Canada) and when people tell me "watch out, it is going to be freezing cold tomorrow" I just start to laugh. For them cold is when temp falls to 0-2 C deg and wind blows from the north, hehe.
LOL - temps of 0 to -2 degrees is short and t-shirt weather up here!
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