The kids arrived today at school. We began the day with an assembly in our gym with both parents, students and community members. Going to the first day of school of the year is a large family event - especially for the younger grades. It was pretty amazing to watch actually. Kids running around being kids, the cool high school group hanging out in the corner, parents mingling with parents, and of course, all of us teachers looking at this mass of bodies wondering what we got ourselves into.
The assembly kicked off with a traditional prayer by one of the members of the DEA (District Education Authority) and then roll call began starting with grade 9. As students came upfront to stand with their class, I was off taking class pictures (as being the techie, I was designated camera person as well). As the grades called got lower the excitement in the air seemed to intensify. All I can say is that the kindergarten and grade one class are little cutie-patooties!
After assembly, there was kindergarten registration, classes until recess for grades 1-9 and high school registration (signing up for classes) all day long. I got to enjoy my day over with the high school team in registration ... it was quite busy, and aggravating at times since records were not in the best shape. But we made it through it and got it more or less all straightened out.
In the afternoon, I left high school registration around 3:00 so I could go off and finish preparing my classroom for my first group of elementary students that are coming in tomorrow. And I must say, my classroom is looking pretty snappy, all decorated and cleaned (I’ll post pictures of it later).
Tomorrow will be a big day, so I’m off ... here’s hoping that it will all go smoothly.
Proof of Life: 55
5 weeks ago
I hope it *did* go well! You certainly seem happier than you did for the first few posts on your blog ;)
Oh,'s *really* weird that your blog is *exactly* the same as the District 18 job postings page...
That's just because I'm now nicely drugged and have gotten some sleep. Still think I might be going crazy though :-)
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